River Blues
Water Blues
Please follow the link to the article on Climate Change.
For this assignment you will take 24 images at 4 different locations (think water, trees, crop fields and insects) where you will be able to take 6 images at each location. No manmade landscapes or architecture allowed. No roads, sidewalks, houses, street signs, electrical lines, lamp posts, car, etc.
Of the 24 pick your best 10 and edit them. Publish your new images along with titles for each image and 1 artist statement the accompanies your favorite image. These will be posted on a new page called Climate Change which will be after your Object page.
Details of the Artist Statement is as follows:
Climate Change Artist Statement
Please place this under your strongest image.
The topic is of personal actions to be part of
the solution rather than the problem when it comes to climate change, so the
Artist Statement would have to be related to that.
You will need to write a 5
sentence paragraph in which you explain your position on Climate Change and
Personal Actions. You need to articulate how your image shows this.
If you need to print the Diagram please click HERE.
Earthworks by Meredith Giltner on Scribd